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Unreal_Engine/리깅 and Procedural Animation

Animation Montages / Slot Groups -2





한번 이분 강의를 혹시 몰라 원하는 부분 말고 처음부터 다시 들어 봤는데 꽤 자신있게 다른 강의와 차이점을 말하며

원리부터 살핀다는거 같다.



일단 캐릭터 블루프린트가 필요한다고함



기초적인 설명이지만 이렇게 사용방법이 아닌 캡슐 자체를 움직이고 있다고 강의하는 경우는 잘 못봐서 흥미로운것 같다.



So the trick to making our capsule our character look like it is moving is to line the animation up with capsule Movement

we could technically play animation and montages and all those things(animations sequences and montages)within

our character blueprint 


but then you get into this nightmare of you know when the character is running it is playing one thing

transitioning between states bone blending all these kinds of fancy stuff that the animation blueprint is specifially

made to help us with but you could technically play a looping animation on your character even without an animation blueprint


so that s just one thing to know but the reason we like the animation blueprint and the reason it s special is beacuse

it s hyper focused on just the animation aspect of our character


17:49 포즈 캐쉬,



there s two main events that are worth talking about at least in the context of this tutorial



보통사람들은 처음에 변수를 만들고 캐릭터 블루프린트에 캐릭터 무브번트랑 연동시킨다고함

those are two of the main things that we are going to use to set variables as our game ticks

and remember tick is basically each frame 


all right so when we first start we are going to get 


cast to character에서 캐릭터 인지 확인하는 노드라고함 


한가지 이상한건 event blueprint initialize animation에서  가져오는 방식이랑

event blueprint update animation 가져오는 방식의 차이가 뭘까?













but we can't play all three of these animations at the same time there is only 







Layered blend per bone을 왜 여기에 쓰지?






anim grpah가 리턴하는건 프레임 하나하나 라는걸 말하는걸 강조하는것 같다.


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