So, this tutorial we will learn how to import models
from blender to UE5 in a very quick and easy way
So You might think that for UE5
for a game you have to have very
few polygons to be able to render it real time
So the amount of polygon is usually the
problem. the problem is called "draw calls".
What are Draw calls
Draw calls tend to have bigger impact on performance than poly counts.
it is important to understand what draw calls are and when it comes to optimization.
What is a Draw call?
UE4 definition:A group of polygons that shares the same material.
The number of draw calls and the number of meshes are not equal. Let’s take a look at the example of 2 tetragons below. They are the same mesh, but the left one has 2 materials and the right one has 1 material. In this case the left one has 2 draw calls and the right one has 1 draw call.
Why should I have less draw calls?
Simply put, let’s say you have $100 at bank and you want to bring back home. It is faster to withdraw $100 at once than to withdraw $1 each time and having to go back and forth from home and bank many times.
폴리곤을 적게 쓴다면 절대로 좋은 빛의 반사 효과를 볼수 없다고 간단하게 강조
what I did however to optimize for Unreal Engine is to combine a lot of meshes
(여기까지 정리하자면 강사가 폴리곤을 많이써서 퀄리티를 좀 더 좋게 주고 싶지만,
언리얼 엔진에서 최적화 시키기 위해 어쩔수 없이 메쉬를 합쳐서 숫자를 줄였다고 한다.)
So for every like I mentioned for every object you will have a draw call
so that means if you 1000 objects you will have 1000 draw calls
but a lot of those octave objects can probably be combined
into one mesh and then you will like just skip a lot of draw calls.
how if you have an object with five different materinals Unreal
Engine calls 5 different draw calls
each one draw call for each material
so you have to keep that in mind too.
that also means that often it's good idea to combine meshes
with the same material.
Mesh를 합칠때도 메테리얼을 여러개 쓰는게 아니라 가급적
하나로 쓰는걸 권장한다는 의미가 된다.
바꿔 말하면 저번에 배운 Unreal Sensei
에서 알려준거 처럼 R,G,B,A 채널에
텍스처를 넣는것이 한 메테리얼에 텍스처를 4개 넣을수 있음으로
최적화가 된다.
(자세히는 기억 안나지만)
(결국 여기서 말하고 싶은거는 드로우 콜스는
오브젝트에 달린게 아니라 하나의 오브젝트의 몇개의 메테리얼이
달려있나에 따라 최적화가 달라진다를 설명하고 싶은것 이다.)
그리고 언리얼 엔진 리얼타임 랜더러에 가장 필요 없는
뒷면을 제거하는것도 중요하다고 하다.(상황에 따라서, 예를들면
뒷면을 반사 해야하는 효과를 줄경우에는 키게끔 프로그래밍
another thing is that the textures
are also very important especially if you take your
video memory into account.
So don't go much over 4k in general
If you go from 4k to 8k that means you will have four times as much video maybe , video memory spent
on that one texture.
비디오 메모리를 생각한다면 텍스처의 크기를 제한하는것도 굉장히 중요하다.
You might think that you can just compress the textures but that's now how it works.
게임내에서는 아마도 비디오 메모리에 텍스처 해상도는 그다지 상관 없다는거 같은데
언리얼 엔진 내에서는 꽤 영향을 많이 끼친다고 한거 같은데
정확히 이해한건지는 모르겠다.
You don't have to add any specific start content if you want to you can do that
but just be aware that the first time you are launching a new project unreal
has to compile shaders.
which we are not used to blender either.
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