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Diary/What I learn in English

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20201212 푹쉰 만큼 다시 공부 한다. 공부에 몰입 하고 몰입에 방해되는 요소는 분별하여 제거한다. 더보기
2020/05/11 하나만 기억하자 죽을각오로 너희로 부터 벗어나 주마 계속 해야지 해야지 하지만 말고 해보기 1. French study 2. Illustrator 3. CSS 4. watch beauty video 더보기
General English speaking will They were able to make ends meet without going bust on the apartment. Marshall, don't make me scream at you. They are happy to hear the meeting is going to well --> They are happy to hear the meeting went well They are happy to hear the meeting is going well. She is very happy to eat home cooked food She is very happy to eat home cooked food Everyone is happy to see you . Everyone is happy .. 더보기
mass shooting Mass shootings are becoming a depressingly familiar routine in the United States; we can now expect to experience a media grabbing shooting about once a month. What motivates someone to kill strangers wholesale in a seemingly senseless way But what they do know is that the number of gun deaths in the US is incredibly high. Most of these deaths are not from mass shootings, but from firearm suicid.. 더보기
cnn10 fulfilment =the fact of doing something that is necessary or something that someone has wanted or promised to do: "And now, that patience has paid off with incredible profits." "And now, that patience has paid off with incredible profits." "And now, that patience has paid off with incredbile profits." "And now, that patience has paid off with incredible profits." "And now, that patience has paid.. 더보기
01 June Cnn 10 a testament of resilience of stocks at the same time a reminder of to the downside a President Trump wants china to pay fair, he wants to china to stop stealing intellectual property from American companies and unfairly subsidizing its strategic industries and he has more leverage to use the white house preparing even more tariffs affecting American products made in China everything from iPhones.. 더보기
31 may from cnn 10 as many as 650 people from up to 90 different countries may be working at any one time at interpol. as many as 650 people form up to 90 different countries may be working at any one time at interpol. A "Red Notice" from interpol allows for the provisional arrest of wanted individual globally precision - Precision is also the level of agreement of a particular measurement with itself .. 더보기